The 13th Annual Donn Skadeland Night at Williston High School was held on Tuesday, January 30, 2024, for the WHS varsity basketball versus Minot High School. The Williston High School Coyotes, “Player of the Game” in the girl’s and boy’s games were awarded and will receive a $500 scholarship in Donn’s memory.

Pictured are, from left, Hanson, WHS Coyote Milne, WHS Coyote St. Romain, Skadeland and Germundson.
Presenting the plaques to 2023-24 selections Elizabeth Milne and Isiah St. Romain were Jan Skadeland, WHS Principal Dr. Jason Germundson, and American State Bank & Trust Co. President/CEO Dave Hanson.
The scholarship is awarded by the Skadeland family, the Coyote Foundation and American State Bank & Trust Co. Donn was a standout WHS athlete and part of the 1975 ND High School Basketball Championship team from WHS. Donn passed away died in July 2011. Donn Skadeland Night is held annually during the WHS vs Minot High School basketball games.
In a joint statement, WHS Principal Dr. Jason Germundson and ASB&T Chairman of the Board Pat Sogard said, “This is our way of honoring Donn, who was an outstanding student athlete in his years at WHS and who remained a loyal supporter of WHS student athletes throughout his lifetime. We are proud to partner with his family and the Coyote Foundation to celebrate his life and his love of sports.” Sogard added, “ASB&T is deeply honored to help with this event as Donn was a member of its Board of Directors for many years.” Skadeland’s wife, Jan, noted, “This is a wonderful memorial for Donn as he still considered himself a Williston Coyote and had fond memories of the WHS basketball teams he played on, including the 1975 state championship team.”
Donn Skadeland Scholarship Recipients:
2012: Dani Clarke & Cory Vinger
2013: Shelby Njos & Jayden Ferguson
2014: Shelby Njos & Jayden Ferguson
2015: Maria Semenko & DeSean Eikens
2016: Katie Nice & DeSean Eikens
2017: Jalyn Helstad & Baily Bethke
2018: Jalyn Helstad & William Brown
2019: Jalyn Helstad & Makia Remus, Jorn Everson & Jaxon Meyer
2020: Bridget Carvey & Brooklyn Douglas, Wil Olson
2021: Chesni Strand & Edens Dumervil
2022: Isiah St. Romain & No Girls Game
2023: Kendra Hall & Isiah St. Romain
2024: Elizabeth Milne & Isiah St. Romain
The scholarship has been funded by the Skadeland family and ASB&T and will be distributed by the Coyote Foundation.