Scholarship Applications Available Online

January 10, 2024
American State Bank & Trust Company announced that four different scholarship applications are now available online at for high school seniors and current college students. ASB&Ts Trust Department facilitates the scholarships. Criteria for each is as follows:
The Kingsley T. Davidson Memorial Scholarship: Applicants must be graduating from/or graduates of a Williams, McKenzie or Divide County High School.
The John Eberle Scholarship Fund: Applicants must be seniors in high school or have graduated from high school; reside within Divide, Williams, or Burke counties for at least two years prior to application; have a grade point average of at least 2.00; have a financial need; and remain a full-time student. Preference is given to nursing and ag students. Eberle scholarship recipients can apply annually and receive one scholarship per year for up to four years.
The Frank A. and M. Esther Wenstrom Foundation Scholarship: Applicants must be a senior in high school at/or be a graduate of a Williams County High School or Carrington (ND) High School and must plan to attend/be attending the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.
The Maude M. Schuetze Foundation Scholarship: Applicants must have graduated from one of the following Montana high schools: Culbertson, Westby, Plentywood, Medicine Lake, Froid or Bainville, and must attend an accredited College, University, or Trade School full-time for at least one year.
All applications can be filled out and submitted at Deadline for all applications is April 1, 2024. Contact the Trust Department at 701-774-4120 for more information.